Are you deficient in Vitamin B12?

The diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency is often missed, partly because there are a number of symptoms, and partly because it doesn't always show on a blood test.

But, before we jump into that, I know you are wondering: What does B12 deficiency have to do with chiropractors?

Whilst symptoms can build up slowly, they can exhibt as persistent pain, pins and needles, dizziness, restless leg syndrome and balance problems. When patients experience these problems they often come to us for help and support.

Why could we be low in Vitamin B12?

  • Pernicious anaemia - this is the common cause in the UK. It is an autoimmune condition affecting your stomach - attacking your body's healthy cells and reducing your body's natural defence system that protects you from illness and infection. This anaemia causes your body to reduce or stop absorbing Vitamin B12.

  • Diet - fish, meat, dairy and eggs are all rich in Vitamin B12. People who choose a vegan diet are therefore often low in the vitamin. If this is you, look at trying to eat more mushrooms, another food rich in B12.

  • Stomach/gut conditions such as Crohn's Disease or inflammation of the gut - again this reduces your ability to absorb B12.

  • Medication - particularly Metformin, PPIs and Nitrous Oxide - can affect absorption.

Whilst this is not an exhaustive list, it does indicate some of the most common causes.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency:

  • Mouth ulcers, sore corners of the mouth or sore tongue

  • Fatigue, anxiety and depression

  • Brain fog - this is very common

Diagnosis is often delayed because these symptoms can be indicative of a number of medical conditions. The diagnosis usually starts with a blood test, but, as we mentioned earlier, they are not always reliable. The symptoms should form the basis of the diagnosis, the blood test, can help with indicating why you may be deficient in Vitamin B12.

If you are in doubt about being deficient, it is worth starting a Vitamin B12 supplement. We have them in the clinic, so please speak to Vera. If Vitamin B12 deficiency is the cause of your symptoms you should see an improvement after 30 days of taking supplements.

But do also talk to your GP about a blood test, your symptoms and let them know you are concerned.

Want to find out more? Check out this handy info sheet: Facts about Vitamin B12

As always...

Please feel free to reach out to us for advice and treatment to suit you on 01256 466 266.

Nicky Parker